A summary of major new
since launch

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  • Addition of qualifying household age bands (75+ and 85+)

    View qualifying household data in multiple age thresholds, allowing you to focus on the markets that most matter to you.

  • Drive time feature

    Our new drive time feature provides you with the opportunity to create bespoke catchment areas based on a drive time distance, providing the flexibility to choose from a 5-minute to a 30-minute drive time distance.

  • Custom qualifying house price feature

    Our custom house price range feature means you can focus on the market segments most important to you and your planned developments.

  • Supply and sales data added

    290 new properties and 773 individual sales added.

  • Residential comparable data in map view

    This sales intelligence was initially released in a list view and is now available in a map view, making it easy to see average sales prices in your chosen market.

    Supply and sales data added

    2,122 new properties and 967 individual sales added.

  • Residential comparable data

    Residential capital sales prices and rates for over 1.8 million property sales across England and Wales, covering the past 3 years added. This powerful new data provides granular residential sales intelligence at postcode level, enabling you to quickly assess the affordability of your scheme within your chosen market and help you to make more accurate pricing decisions.

  • Pricing predictor

    Our pricing predictor feature allows you to estimate the capital pricing and sales rate that can be achieved within a selected postcode. This invaluable tool forms a useful starting point when appraising a potential development opportunity or auditing current rates achieved in operational schemes.

    Sales velocity

    Our sales velocity feature allows you to view and compare the sales velocity of existing schemes, presented in an easy to view graph that details sales velocity per month, length of sales period, % of units sold and sales status of the scheme.

    Supply and sales data added

    1,431 new properties and 265 individual sales added.